AP_AddrEntryHis Data Dictionary

Detailed Descriptions of Address Entry History Fields

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PatName Patient Name Full name of the patient as recorded in the address entry history.
AddrEntryHisID Address Entry History Identifier Unique identifier for the address entry history record.
AddrTypeID Address Type Identifier Identifier that specifies the type of address, such as home or work.
StreetAddr Street Address The patient's street address as recorded in the address entry history.
DateFrom Date From Start date for when the patient's address record became active.
DateInact Date Inactive Date when the patient's address was recorded as inactive.
DateTo Date To End date for when the patient's address record is valid.
FIPSCodeID FIPS Code Identifier Identifier based on the Federal Information Processing Standard code that represents areas/locations.
IsDefault Is Default Address Indicates whether the address is the patient's default or primary address.
IsVerified Is Address Verified Indicates if the patient's address has been verified for accuracy.
IsVerifiedNote Is Verified Note Additional notes regarding the verification status of the patient's address.
RecptID Recipient Identifier Identifier for the entity or individual receiving the patient's address information.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier Classification identifier for the type of recipient of the address information.
ZipCodeID Zip Code Identifier Unique identifier corresponding to the patient's zip code.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum Checksum value used for audit log tracking of changes or updates to the record.
ZUDate ZU Date The date associated with the audit log tracking for record updates or modifications.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Identifier Identifier for tracking the logon history associated with the address entry for audit purposes.
AddrTypeName Address Type Name The descriptive name of the address type, such as 'Home' or 'Office'.
ZipCode Zip Code The postal code associated with the patient's address.
CityName City Name The name of the city associated with the patient's address.
StateAbbr State Abbreviation The abbreviated form of the state associated with the patient's address.
CountryName Country Name The name of the country associated with the patient's address.